
Road Closures in Polk County

Posted by: Reposted by Central Florida Cities on Sep 25, 2023 8:55PM

Bartow, Fla. (September 20, 2023) — Heavy construction projects continue to slow Polk drivetimes. The following is the latest countywide travel update.

Road reconstruction for a new south Lakeland warehouse project that closed Hamilton Road at Anchuca Drive in late April has been extended through October. Hamilton Road traffic continues to detour at Drane Field Road or Medulla Road westerly to County Line Road to bypass closure.

Due to traffic safety concerns, the City of Lakeland is installing temporary curbing along West Pipkin Road at the Medulla Road intersection on Thursday, September 21. Curbing will convert the full median opening to a directional opening until a new traffic signal is constructed at the intersection by the developer of the adjoining Riverstone community accessed via Medulla Road on the south side of West Pipkin Road. Signal operation is planned to coincide with the completion of Polk County’s widening of West Pipkin Road in late 2024. Barricades will also be installed in the left turn lanes on the Medulla Road approaches to West Pipkin Road. Traffic on both approaches to West Pipkin Road from Medulla Road will be restricted to right turns only. Eastbound and westbound left turns from West Pipkin Road onto Medulla Road will still be permitted. Riverstone residents can also use Yates Road via Towne Park Boulevard as an alternate access to West Pipkin Road. Yates Road has a traffic signal for safer turns onto West Pipkin Road.

Motorists should drive carefully, be alert to crews and equipment, and follow detour signs. Minor delays can be expected, especially during peak-hour travel times. For further details, call Bill Skelton with the Polk County Roads & Drainage Division at (863) 535-2200.

SOURCE: Polk County government

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